Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake
This is an amazing crowd-pleasing dessert that is raw, healthy, nutritious, colourful and delicious, and only requires a decent blender (and a fridge!) to make it!
Equipment: blender
Prep time: 60 min
Difficulty: easy

- 130g cashews
- 50g pecans
- 60g dates (soaked in boiling water for 5 mins)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp maca powder (optional)
- Pinch of salt
- 60g desiccated coconut
- 390g cashews soaked in boiling water for 2 hours
- 300g maple syrup
- 200g coconut oil
- 1 lemon (or zest and juice of one)
- ½ tsp turmeric powder
- 200g fresh or frozen blueberries
1. Grease a 20cm spring-form cake tin.
2. De-stone the dates and add them along with all the other base ingredients into the blender. Blitz on high until they make a coarsely ground mixture. Press into the cake tin. No need to wash the blender.
3. For the filling, blend the coconut on high. Add the drained cashews, maple syrup and coconut oil. Blend until as smooth as possible, scraping down the sides where necessary. Tip everything out into a bowl
4. For the filling, if your blender is powerful, there is a trick to avoid having to squeeze it! Peel the zest off your lemon then cut it into small enough pieces so any pips can be removed. Add the zest and lemon pieces to the blender with the turmeric and blitz on high until thoroughly blended.
5. Add half the cashew mixture to the blender and blend until smooth. Taste to ensure it’s not too sweet nor too tart: add more syrup or lemon if necessary.
6. Pour the mixture onto the cake base and level it out.
7. Add the remaining cashew mixture and blueberries into the blender. Blend until well-combined. Carefully pour this into the cake tin on top of the lemon mixture. Rather than heavy stirring, wiggle the tin gently to get it to settle nicely.
8. Put in the fridge overnight (4 hours should do if you can’t wait!) to set.