Super Speedy Seedy Porridge
I used to be the person who would always skip breakfast in the morning. Mostly blaming a lack of time or dieting – in my silly brain I used to think that if I managed to starve till lunch time, I would also skip those breakfast calories and become slimmer. After years of trying this method I can conclude: it doesn’t work. As once the lunch hour finally arrives, one tends to be so ravenous that eating twice as much is usually unavoidable.
Plus eating irregularly completely screws your metabolism which means you get the opposite effect.
So here is my favourite breakfast that is not only easy and quick to make but keeps my sugar levels low for a long period of time so that I don’t arrive at lunch time craving any junk food. Yay!
Equipment: small saucepan, spatula
Makes: 2 portions
Cooking time: 10 min

- 3 tbsp. glutenfree oats
- 1 tbsp. flaxseed
- 1 tbsp. hempseed
- 1 tsp. chia seed
- 1 tsp. shredded coconut
- 1 tbsp. goji berries
- 1 banana, peeled and chopped
- 400 ml coconut milk or water
- 1 tbsp. maple syrup
- Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla essence
1. Place all the ingredients in a small saucepan, including vanilla essence, if using. You can leave them to set for about 10 minutes (I usually take a quick shower then!) or immediately start simmering until the porridge sets.
2. Squeeze maple syrup on top and voila!