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Energising Hibiscus, Ginger, Turmeric Tea



When I went to India last year – I didn’t have a cold drink for a whole month. Even though it was 40°C at times – we were served hot herbal tea with every meal (usually ginger or lemongrass). And guess what: I felt great!

For my type of Qi (Spleen Deficiency) as defined by TCM [Traditional Chinese Medicine], warm, slightly spicy drinks and food is ideal.

It is also an energising drink that you can use as a substitute for coffee. And, do I need to say, is much better for you?

I love it and have it most mornings.

*However, I wouldn’t drink more than two cups a day as hibiscus is a natural diuretic and too much ginger can give you dithers.

Equipment: Infusion Tea Pot

Prep time: 10 min

Difficulty: easy




  • 1 tsp. dried hibiscus flowers
  • 1 tsp. liquorice root
  • 1 tbsp. rosehip
  • Thumb size piece of turmeric root, thinly sliced
  • Thumb size piece of ginger root, thinly sliced
  • 1 slice of lemon


1. Place all ingredients except the lemon in a teapot, pour over boiling water and brew for 5-10 min.

2. Serve with the lemon slice; use a teaspoon to squeeze the lemon juice out in the teacup by pressing it at the bottom of the cup. Enjoy!


**Add sweetener, if needed.


30 April 2020
